26 January 2016

Quoting the Cute: Page Twenty-One

When my ten-year-old was maybe eight, she had a pair of toy handcuffs. They were equipped with a safety release feature just in case the keys got lost. She told us, "You can tell the people who made these really cared about people."

My seven-year-old is very quiet. In a house full of loud voices, her voice is not often heard. I have a hard time thinking of quotes for her!

My five-year-old still says "hadded" instead of "had." If he's still saying it when he finishes Kindergarten, I guess I'll have to start reminding him, but for now, I'm hanging on to the last bit of my big hunk's littlehood. 

Three-year-old: "Yes dem is!" or "See? I teld ya!"

Last year I couldn't help but giggle when my oldest daughter said something about the "pom pom trees" when we were in Southern Utah.

My seven-year-old loves to write. She especially loved it when she was in Kindergarten (see below). I'm always saving her papers because of the funny things she writes. I should dig some out and start posting my favorites!

I've quoted this with a different kid, but now it seems like my five-year-old's favorite thing to say is, "It's not fair!"

Three-year-old: "I want to watch a DDD!"

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