13 December 2010

O Christmas Trees

I hope I'm not loony, but last week when I looked at the Christmas tree after my girls got done decorating it, I could hear little voices in my head saying, "Hey guys! Climb down lower. Let's bail!"

I smiled when I realized there is even a train for them to make their get-away.

And while we are on the subject of Christmas trees, here is our tree from a few years ago:

This was the first tree I ever put lights on by myself, and because I didn't know what I was doing, I ended up putting every light we had on the thing (840, to be exact). Even though I am now better at spreading them out, I have to admit that I loved the way that tree GLOWED!

And to my dear friend who requested pictures of the candles on the tree, because we do not have candles on the tree this year (some trees just aren't good candle trees), I went into pre-digital photo days and found a couple to scan. The left picture is from before we got the lovely snowflakes and bells my mother-in-law crocheted for us. The right picture was the only one I could find where the candles were lit. I really wish I could just invite you over to see them, Tami!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, the candles on the tree!!!! I loooooove it!

Every tree you have decorated is just BEAUTIFUL! I have a hard time believing there could ever be TOO many lights on any given tree!

You did me proud with your Christmas tree decor! :)