01 August 2011

Quoting the Cute: Page Nine

In our family (and church), whenever we give a gospel-related talk or lesson or say a prayer or bear testimony, we close in the name of Jesus Christ and then say, "Amen." My six-year-old daughter gave our family home evening lesson last week. She told us the story of David and Goliath. When she was done I reminded her to close the lesson, so she said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, The End."

Three-year-old: "I wanna watch Bugs Rabbit!"

Twenty-month-old: He loves peek-a-boo and will say "Peeboo, see you!" always with a dimpled smile that makes me smile no matter how tired, grumpy, or sick I feel. The other morning, I opened my eyes to see his blue eyes only a few inches from my face. He said, "Peeboo," and ran away. I absolutely love it when he says, "Go!" to himself and then takes off running. I need to start doing that.

Time to do dishes. Go!

(P.S. This is an old post I just finally got around to posting.)


Cindy in PA said...

That's why God gives us young children....free entertainment! Ha! I love "In the name of Jesus Christ, The End."

Hope you're doing well and it's good to "see" you. Blessings!

Catherine Dabels said...

Where have you been lady??

I love your quoting the cute posts. They always make me smile.


Amanda and Shaye Scott said...

Oh, I love the cute things kids say! Thanks for posting this! :)