- 10 points: "bastick" (rhymes with plastic)
- 20 points: "pawmus dam-uhs"
- 10 points: "grand crappers"
- 60 points: "e-buys"
- 400 points: "dickwick" (you'll never get this one)
- 500 points: "waaaah! he awna (sniffle) waaaaah abba gaw no no waaaah I uh gogimmeeeeeeeeeeee (breath hold) no no waaah I now ah uh now (wheeze) on he waaaah!"
Post Edit
Cindy is the winner! And now for the answers: bastick=basket, pawmus dam-uhs=Thomas (pa)jamas, grand crappers=graham crackers, e-buys=needs batteries, dickwick=bouquet, and I can't ever understand cry talk, can you?
Can I have graham crackers for 1,000? No? Ha!
The funny thing was I read "bastick" I immediately thought "plastic" then thought...."She wouldn't have given me the answer!"
It's a good thing you're bilingual, being fluent in "kid speak" and English!
I'll give you 10 points for graham crackers and 990 points for being the first commenter, how does that sound? "Bastick" is my four-year-old's version of "basket" and I hear it a lot since we are still rationing out the last of the Easter candy around here. Does anyone want to take a stab at any of the others before I reveal the translations?
And just in case I forget in the future, it was also my four-year-old who said "grand crappers" and "dickwick" but the others were said by the two-year-old.
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