29 October 2010

Quoting the Cute: Page Five

5-year-old: "Maybe I want to be a rock star when I grow up. Rock star mom!"

2-year-old: "You kidding me!"

5-year-old: "It's not fair." ( I hear this one a lot. Welcome to life, little one!)

2-year-old: We were on a walk when we saw a gigantic hole. My daughter pointed and said, "Look, Mommy! Look at the big fall-down." I love it when kids improvise when they don't know the right word.

5-year-old: "Do you like the song I played on my Hanukkah?" (She learned about Hanukkah on Blue's Clues, so I'm guessing that's where she got the word.)

11-month-old: I keep wondering if he is really talking or if it is only my imagination. The first words my oldest said were, "all done" and my second said, "kakka" first, which means "poop" in Finnish (her sister taught her to say that word, not me). I think my son is talking, but there isn't any word he says more than once or twice at this point.

I told my oldest daughter to do something (I don't remember what) and she replied, "Is that a direct order?" (We watch a lot of Star Trek at our house.)

Conversations with the two-year-old:

2: "I wan drinka water!"
Her dad: "You want a drink of water?"
2: "Actually, milk."

Her mom: "I love you."
2: "Too-oo!"


Jamie said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. I have to laugh because I never knew another person to refer to poop as "kakka". I actually never new how to even spell it! My grandmother, and then mother always said that word to us as babies. Funny!

You had/still have gorgeous hair, too! Good for you on donating it!

Anonymous said...

misypris said:

Kids are so funny. I LOVE listening to my nephew, neice and God daughters. They CRACK me up!

If only we had the ability to think so simply. I sure miss those days!

Keep them young, Amelia! :)