06 November 2011

Quoting the Cute: Page Ten

Six-year-old (after I told her not to throw dirt in her hair): "But it's pixie dust & if it doesn't get on me then I can't fly!" (Does this mean her imagination hasn't been destroyed by all of the hours she has spent watching "Jake & the Neverland Pirates" online?)

Three-year-old: All of her "-ore" words are "-oy" words instead. So, we go to the stoy & clean up the floy.

Two-year-old: "I want awful." (This is how he asks for a waffle every morning...not that we have waffles every morning.)

Six-year-old (when I asked her how she liked the pool party): "I kept getting stuck in the world pool." (Except replace the "s" sound in "stuck" with a "th," because she's lost a top front tooth.)

Three-year-old (while she shakes and shivers): "I'm not COLD!"

Two-year-old: "Yay!"

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Too funny!!! Your kids are so cute!