22 March 2012

Some Things Never Change

I recently read my school journal from the third grade.  Some of it made me smile and some of it made me teary.  It was remarkable the amount of truths there were about me, even all the way from 1986:

"I like it when it's cold...I like to wash my hands when I get in.  It feels good."
"I like to play all the time."
"I love you, Journal."
This was supposed to be a thanksgiving turkey on a table.  Fact (still true today):  I cannot draw.

This sentence was my favorite:  "I do talk a lot.  I should learn to keep my FAT MOUTH SHUT."

And that seems like a good place to stop.

 P.S.  I love you, Blog!


Catherine Dabels said...

I wish I had journals from the third grade.

Wait....no I don't.

Wendy said...

You make me giggle!!!